Frequently Ask Questions

Don’t worry about exercise execution as all programmed movements will have a video tutorial you can watch as you log each exercise. Being new to an exercise is also an effective method of stimulating growth via pathways your body hasn’t used before, so stick with it and reap the rewards!

Basic well researched supplements such as Whey protein and creatine are advised as they strongly promote performance. Of course if you’re uncomfortable  adding in certain supplements it is entirely up to you, but I strongly recommend reaching out to me as I can explain why I’ve advised the given supplement.

To ensure we can leave absolutely no stone unturned in terms of your progress it is strongly advised to weigh and track your food via MyFitnessPal. It can be daunting at first but once the habit is formed it is empowering to know what macronutrients you’re consuming. Remember you’re an athlete and this is just the life we live.

No, the food template is entirely an example. What’s most important is the total calories and protein, I like to advise a higher carbohydrate diet for increased performance output but feel free to consume carbs/fats suited to you.

Don’t worry! Programmed exercises are simply there to stimulate muscle growth which can be done through various movement patterns. Simply pick another exercise that is similar and let me know at the end of your session or during your weekly check in so I can update our program.

Yes all training/nutrition programs are suited to your lifestyle and your goals.

24/7 open DMs via app or IG unless stated otherwise. Please allow up to 6 hours for my response. I am your coach, not your personal trainer. Message me anytime you need about absolutely anything, do not hesitate as our relationship is very important for our team and our progress together.

Weekly on your desired day, please submit your checkin before 12pm so I have ample time to dissect and strategise for our week ahead. 

No, simply put I’m here to help athletes change the trajectory of their fitness journey. If we come to understanding after consultation that we would not work well together it’s simply a waste of resources on both of our behalves to continue.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this and feel free to reapply given the expectations. There is a coach out there there for anyones goals and I can assist with recommendations.

Still Have Questions?

If you have more questions in mind, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help.

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