
About me

I'm Cooper Logan

I was once a kid who lacked an understanding of how my lifestyle habits drove me in the complete wrong direction. Training 7 days a week in the gym to go home and eat brown rice and chicken thinking “I’ll have to start looking good eventually”.

I lacked fundamental knowledge about the desired goal I was striving for. Starving myself to stay “shredded” but I ate enough protein to grow right? A constant battle in my mind of stay lean or ‘bulk’, unfortunately resulting in me looking almost the same for my first 3 years in the gym.

It is my mission to express and demonstrate the importance of commitment and drown out the background noise of guesswork within your fitness goals. I want to take your physique, gym performance and lifestyle to a whole new level bypassing all the mistakes I once made. with very clear intentions I can guarantee I will create a turning point in your fitness journey.

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Book Your Free Discovery Call Today

Take the first step towards a transformative fitness journey with Cooper Logans complimentary 15-minute one-on-one consultation. This personalized session is designed to understand your goals, assess your fitness level, and outline a strategy tailored just for you. Discover how Quality Progressions can guide you towards achieving your health and wellness aspirations with a plan that fits your lifestyle.

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